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SiriusXM is front row access to the widest variety of entertainment anywhere. Listen in your truck to channels including expertly curated ad-free music, plus premium sports coverage with live play-by-play from every major sport, original talk channels including Howard Stern, exclusive comedy, news covering every angle and more. Experience even more on the SXM App including the best collection of podcasts curated for you, Xtra channels of music to fit any mood or activity, Personalized Pandora stations, SiriusXM video with shows, interviews and performances including epic Howard Stern studio moments.

24/7 Progamming for Truckers
ROAD DOG Trucking Radio is a trucker's talk radio channel exclusively on SiriusXM. It covers subjects relevant to the trucking community, including politics, economics, and social issues. The lineup includes Dave Nemo, Ellen Voie, Jimmy Mac, Grace Sharkey, Mark Reddig and more. Stay informed and up to date on the transportation and freight markets that affect your business.
Explore ROAD DOG Trucking RadioSiriusXM Content
SiriusXM is the widest variety of entertainment anywhere. Listen in your car to channels including ad-free music, plus live play-by-play from every major sport, original talk including Howard Stern, exclusive comedy, news covering every angle and more. Experience even more on the SXM App including the best collection of podcasts, Xtra channels of music, Personalized Pandora stations, SiriusXM video and more.
Explore SiriusXM Content

Pricing & Plans
Choose from a variety of plans to meet your lifestyle and listening needs. Our most popular plans include Platinum, Music & Entertainment and Music Showcase. Best of all for a limited time you can get 12 months of our Platinum package for only $5 per month.o
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